Thursday, October 17, 2013

Post 2: Why Discriminate?

     Have you experienced being discriminated? People throwing mouthful of words behind your back? Discrimination is the prejudicial and/or distinguishing treatment of an individual based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or category (Wikipedia). 

     There is a certain community that suffers from discrimination almost everyday. Cosplay Community.  Cosplay started in Japan coined by Nobuyuki Takahashi of the Japanese studio Studio Hard while attending the 1983 World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) in Los Angeles. Cosplay has been a subculture of role playing that has most effect in Asia.

     Since Cosplaying became really popular, even Western countries do cosplaying nowadays. As what everyone says, "cosplay is a form of expression" but it also became a trigger to people to discriminate our community. I, as a cosplayer even experienced the mouthful of words of people being thrown at me. I do understand especially to those who are not familiar with it or not even into it. But there was a certain discrimination between Western Cosplayers and Asian Cosplayers that quite became a boarder.
credit to these cosplayers

     Western Cosplayers have been discriminated by amount of people saying that "cosplaying is not for westerns." Why? They said that facial features and even the body shape of the western people are not made for cosplay. Japanese anime characters were based on Asian body types, small jaws, small shape of nose, not too tall in height and such. But the fact that the World Science Fiction Convention held in "LOS ANGELES" inspired Nobuyuki Takahashi to bring the idea back to Japan to express the world of Anime. Yes, it is true that anime characters were based on Asian body types but that doesn't mean that there is a limitation to those who wants to cosplay.

      An article entitled "Can The West Cosplay With The Best Of Them" by Brian Ashcraft from the site "" stated how Western Cosplayers have been discriminated by people but it is true that "There is no group of people that is stereotypically "better" at cosplay. And the act itself is deeper than Photoshopped images or cleverly staged stage shows - it offers insight into the very fabric of our cultures, what makes us different and what makes us the same." said by Brian.

     This issue is not just to Western Cosplayers but even to Asian Cosplayers. Asian cosplayers have been discriminated even by their own race. People who are not into Cosplaying will automatically think that WE are weird in terms of hobby. We pay so much for costumes that cannot be used in our everyday life. Going out with wigs on are not accepted by the society. It is true that seeing people in a different feature will scare the hell out of you but it is just the same to let kidnappers hunt the city, right?

     I admit that there are negative aspects that can be found in the article entitled "Negative Aspects of Cosplay" by Trinket Princess, a fellow Blogger user. These aspects are inevitable but still, it is our decision if we will let these things change who we are. It is our decision if we'll change for the better or for worse.

     I am not on either side. To inform people and make them aware of what we have today is much better goal. What we do is what makes us the same. Acceptance and respect to our fellowmen. We unite in the same hobby as we should unite in the same goal.

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